An Introduction to PatBase Express

PatBasics Express - View

Viewing results in PatBase Express

  • PatBase Express results are based on patent families, one family is equal to one invention
  • When viewing search results, you have the option to gather more information about a particular invention, you can:
    • View the mosaic of images
    • Click the patent number/title to view information about the entire family
    • Check the owner/assignee information and earliest publication date
  • When viewing a record, the family bar has access to all of the advanced options:
    • Biblio - displays the representative bibliographic information for the family
    • Claims & Descriptions - will display the full text. In the left-hand column is a list of all the full text documents available for the selected patent family
    • Status - a legal status table will be displayed in a new window, showing all the INPADOC PRS legal events, national patent office data and colour-coded legal status groups
    • Citations - review the forward and backward citations of the selected family
    • Similar - finds similar patents based on the representative title and abstract
    • Next - view next record

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the sorting by relevance order determined?
Relevance sorting is determined using the keywords from the search query that generated results. Families containing a higher frequency of your searched keywords are placed first in your results list, and families with fewer keyword hits found later in the results order.
How can I refine my results?
Optimise enables you to refine your search results. The Optimise tool appears on the right-hand side of your search results and in the results bar. You can refine a search by company or technology or publication date or country. Each category shows a breakdown by number of families. To view this information, click on the dropdown arrow next to the category of interest.

To filter search results, select one or more of the companies, technologies, publication dates or countries from the drop-down list by checking the boxes, click Optimise Search – PatBase Express will filter the results. Please note, only one category can be optimised at once.

To remove an optimise filter and return to your original search results click on “Cancel optimise search” found at the top of the page.